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Tigre Interpreter Services

We provide professional Tigre interpreters for telephone and video conferences and face to face meetings. Tigre is a language from Eritrea and better known locally as Tigrayit. It is spoken mainly in the Horn of Africa by around 1 million people which makes it a fairly rare language outside of Africa. There are several dialects including Mansa, Habab, Barka, Semhar, Algeden, and Senhit although these are all mutually intelligible with the exception of Dahalik. As a specialist rare language service provider we are able to provide interpreters for all of these dialects.

Tigre translators and interpreters

Tigre Translators and Interpreters

We provide Tigre translators and interpreter services. Tigre is classed as a rare language and this means finding translators can be difficult but as rare language specialists, we're able to provide service where others can't. Please contact us if you're looking for a Tigre translation service.

Please Contact us if you have any further questions or to get a free translation quote now!
